Our Governors
At Croft we have a dedicated group of adults who manage and monitor the work and standards of the school .
Copies of the minutes of Governing Body meetings can be obtained from the school office. Admin@croft.notts.sch.uk or Telephone 01623 455255.
Co-opted Governors
- Julie Ashmore
- Ms Liz Barrett
- Ms Helen Bonsor
- Mrs Louise Harby-Greaves
- Stacey Hinchley
- Erika Marshall
- Sandra Turton
- Mrs Margaret Young
- Mr Darrell Firth
Parent Governors
- Miss Gemma Hunt
Staff Governors
- Miss Sally-Ann Seward - Headteacher
- Mr Christopher Bonser
Local Authority Governors
- Mr Simon Martin – Chair of Governors
Associate Governors
- Mrs Sharon Rookes