Music - We are musicians 
Music is an important part of everyday life at Croft Primary School. We believe that it is a unique way of communicating that can inspire and motivate children. Music gives an opportunity for personal expression and it can play an important part in the personal development of an individual. Besides being a creative and enjoyable activity, it is also
important in helping our pupils feel part of a community.
Music Curriculum Intent
At Croft Primary School we want our pupils to develop a love and understanding of music through, listening, singing, playing, performing, appraising, composing and improvising across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions and musical genres.
Our intention is for our pupils to develop a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of music, and an unbiased respect for the role that music may wish to be expressed in any person’s life. We are committed to ensuring pupils understand the value and importance of music in the wider community, and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music, in a variety of different contexts.
At Croft Primary School, we have developed our own music curriculum based on Charanga’s English Model Music Curriculum scheme for years 1-6 and Charanga’s original scheme for reception. This is also supplemented with music technology websites such as Chrome Music Lab, Incredibox and Dr. Musik.
Music Curriculum Implementation
Music is taught weekly to all year groups. Lessons are a minimum of 30 minutes in reception and 40 minutes in key stage 1 and 2. The majority of music lessons across all year groups are taught by our specialist music teacher during PPA cover, however there are half terms where class teachers deliver music lessons and they are supported to do this to a high standard.
The main instrument pupils learn to play is the glockenspiel. However, they also have opportunities to play the djembe, ukulele and boomwhackers.
Every week, the children have a marvellous music assembly in key stages which focuses on singing. Where appropriate, this fits in with our assembly themes of the week. To ensure that pupils are introduced to a wide variety of music, we have a musician of the month we celebrate and this links with the music that children are played as they enter and leave assembly. This information is also shared on class dojo for parents to engage with.
Music Curriculum Impact
In every lesson, formative assessment in the form of dialogue with individuals takes place, giving children the chance to implement the feedback they receive and progress with the musical skill they are learning that week. Video recordings are made at the beginning and end of each unit of work to not only allow children’s musical progress over time, but to allow children to reflect on how successful they have been at developing the skill in the given lesson and taking on board any feedback they may have been given.
At the end of each half-term, a summative assessment is made for each year group. This is assessed through the children’s ongoing learning as well as the creation and presentation of a performance of a chosen unit song from Charanga Music School, comprising of singing, playing, improvising and composing as part of the performance.
Each area of assessment is broken down into a set of key learning statements which children are assessed against as ‘Working Towards’ or ‘Secure’ By the end of the year, the children will have been assessed against each criteria, this is then used to inform the following years musical learning of each individual child.
Pupils in Reception are assessed within Expressive Arts and Design and their progress is tracked termly.
Music development plan 2024-2025
Music Curriculum Enrichment
We are extremely proud of our extra-curricular music activities and community participation events. Pupils get many chances to take part in live performances on stage in and out of school. The quality of Croft’s musical strengths and abilities were recognised as we were named as the Ashfield Primary School Choir of the Year, as well as the overall winner in the national ‘Shake It Up’ awards in 2019.
We have a Key Stage 2 choir that meet every Friday afterschool for a 30-minute rehearsal. Please click the link below to see a summary of events which our choir have taken part in this year!
Choir - Autumn 2024
Last half-term was our busiest for our choir! They performed at the Sutton-In-Ashfield Christmas Light Switch On, Kings Mill, Mowdens Court Community Centre, The Royal Concert Hall and even found time to sing for our parents/carers for the Croft Christmas Community Choir.
Also, our Christmas Rocksteady concert was a fantastic showcase of all the children's effort this term. There were four bands who treated us all to some great Christmas classics.
Chior Autumn Term 2024
Our Musical Year At Croft Primary School
Singing Hub
We are a lead singing hub school in partnership with our local music hub: Inspire Music. We are heavily involved with our local music hub and take part in many of their events.
As a lead singing hub school, we take part in joint school singing experiences and multi-school CPD sessions to develop singing in both our school and other schools in the Ashfield area.
We are thrilled to be part of a new cluster of primary schools in Ashfield collaborating to enhance arts and creative opportunities and lead an Artsmark action research project.
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Croft Primary School Choir
Choir Events