Maths Curriculum Intent
Our intent is for our children to leave Croft as mathematicians who are:
- hardworking, enthusiastic and unafraid of making and talking about mistakes
- able to articulate, discuss and explain their thinking using appropriate mathematical vocabulary
- confident and competent in the core operations and make connections between the concrete and pictorial representations with the abstract concepts
- able to solve a wider range of problems and a deep conceptual understanding of maths and its interrelated content so that children can apply their learning in different situations
- are resilient and inquisitive learners – skills needed to become life-long mathematicians
We have the highest expectations for every learner; we want our pupils to master maths rather than having only surface knowledge and skills in this subject.
Maths Curriculum Implementation
Our maths teacher toolkit provides a clear structure for the teaching of maths to ensure that teaching and learning in maths at Croft is of the highest quality and there is consistency of approaches across all year groups, this forms part of the induction for new teachers to our school.
At Croft we have worked with our local maths hub to develop our understanding of how mastery works in the classroom The Essence of Mathematics Teaching for Mastery | NCETM.
Our practice in maths is research-informed and we use the Power Maths White Rose Edition scheme as the basis for our mastery curriculum.
Maths Curriculum Impact
The impact of our maths curriculum is that our pupils:
- can quickly and easily manipulate number
- apply their mathematical knowledge to a variety of problem
- have good mental maths and arithmetic skill
- have a solid grasp of the key vocabular
- relish the challenge and sense of achievement they get from truly mastering mathematic
- are ready for the next stage of their mathematical journey.
Summative assessments are planned across school on an assessment calendar. Towards the end of each term assessments are carried out to check what children remember and understand in the long term and to monitor progress. Data is analysed and pupil progress meetings focus on whole cohort, group and individual next steps and interventions and support is provided.
In Reception, teacher assessment is used to update the profile tracker.
Years 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 use White Rose Maths progress checks in arithmetic and reasoning which are aligned to the Power Maths curriculum. Maths resources for teachers | White Rose Education
In Year 6 practice SATs papers are used throughout the year. Year 2 start to use practice papers in the spring term. National curriculum assessments: practice materials - GOV.UK (
Year 4 use the TT Rockstars mock MTCs to monitor progress and identify gaps at the start, middle and end of the year. MTC Hub – Times Tables Rock Stars (
Power Maths Teaching Structure