Croft Primary School

Croft Primary School
Creativity Potential Success




All children to be taught Maths daily, Year 1 using White Rose Power Maths and Reception– Y6 use Power Maths, Majority of lessons are taught in the morning from Y1-Y6 but Reception teach the Maths in the afternoon. The children work in their Power Maths books daily and they have a yellow Maths book for any follow up work and for the Power Maths end of unit checks which are stuck in at the end of each unit. There are 3 books A, B and C which are to be completed by the end of each term. Y2 and Y6 complete the books earlier in order for the content to be completely covered prior to their Sat’s in May. The children across school follow the Power Maths scheme which uses the mastery approach of teaching and learning and is a whole class approach.

SEN and PP children do the same work as the rest of the class but may need more adult or peer support when working or pre/post teaching of units. Interventions may be required across the year depending on the units.



Long term plan 2023-2024 - Power Maths