Croft Primary School

Croft Primary School
Creativity Potential Success


Languages: French - We are Linguists        


Languages Curriculum Intent 

At Croft, the intention of our MFL curriculum is to develop an interest for learning other languages. The core modern foreign language taught at Croft Primary School is French.

We aim to learn the French language and understand its culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways.

Our purpose is to embed the essential skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing and lay the foundations for future language learning.

We aim to help pupils become more confident in using their knowledge of French to form simple sentences and responses.

We aim to take the opportunity to build the children’s ‘culture capital’ so that they are aware of similarities and differences between cultures.


Languages Curriculum Implementation

At Croft Primary School we deliver the languages curriculum through the CGP French scheme of work, 'Salut!' to support teachers who are not speakers of French.

KS2 French Scheme of Work | CGP Plus

We use the skills and expertise of staff within the school with qualifications in French, or who are regular visitors to France, to support and enhance delivery of the languages curriculum and bring French to life. For 2024 - 2025  we have made links with the Head of Languages from a local secondary school to provide CPD to teachers and support with some of the delivery of French lessons.


Languages Curriculum Impact

Each unit helps pupils develop their Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills. Learning outcomes charts for each year group support teachers to check children’s progress in Key Stage 2 French and map out next steps in teaching and learning. The charts feature clearly laid out statements based on the PoS statements and columns for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing outcomes with different levels of attainment.

Pupils can also track their own progress throughout the year using the year group progress checklists.


French Long Term Plan

French Progression of Knowledge

Languages Curriculum Coverage