Croft Primary School

Croft Primary School
Creativity Potential Success


Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs At Croft

We give a five star welcome to all of our pupils and we support all pupils irrespective of needs, as we strive to bring out their true potential in a caring and supportive environment. Where a pupil is identified as having SEN, we take action to remove barriers
to learning and put effective special educational provision in place.
At Croft Primary School we use our best endeavours to support pupils. Our intent is to provide a happy, safe, caring and secure school in a setting where teamwork, high standards of work and behaviour are the norm, effort is valued and where a positive attitude to all school life is developed. Croft Primary school is committed to providing, for each pupil, the best possible environment for learning. We recognise and respect difference and aim to treat pupils and their families as individuals and to ensure that their needs are met, irrespective of their ability, race, gender, background or beliefs.

We collaborate between school, parent, child and community. Our intent is to help all pupils to overcome any difficulties and be ready for a successful transition to secondary school and adulthood. We strive for our children with SEND to fulfil their potential and be set up for long-term success.

Through our quality first teaching, planning and provision we:
• Ensure that needs are identified as early as possible so that we can take action to remove barriers to learning and put effective special educational provision in place.
• Ensure that children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is appropriately differentiated to enable children to succeed
• Provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the needs of all pupils
• Develop children’s independence
• Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND
• Work closely with Parents and Carers, External Agencies and other Professionals to ensure that there is a collaborative approach to supporting children with SEND.

At Croft Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Teachers draw upon their experience and knowledge of pupils to devise support for pupils' progress, attainment and behaviour.
We use an assess, plan, do, review approach to all special educational needs. Our provision is enhanced by the collaboration of Teachers, Senior Leaders, the SENCO, Teaching Assistants, External Agencies, Parents and most importantly the Child. Where Teachers or Parents have concerns, the SENCO will provide advice and support, liaising with Outside Agencies when needs arise for further advice, support and expertise.

Pupils with SEND will:
• Be included in all aspects of the school day
• Be provided with first quality teaching, adapted to meet their needs
• Be respected and acknowledged
Pupils with SEND may:
• Have specific 1:1 or group support to support them accessing different areas of the curriculum
• Have short tracked interventions inside or outside of the classroom
• Take part in social, emotional and mental health interventions
• Work alongside outside agencies such as the Social, Emotional and Mental Health Team, Communication and Interaction team, Cognition and Learning Team, Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Visual Impairment Team, Specialist Teacher of the Deaf, Speech Therapist, where a need arises we seek out the correct support.

We assess pupils’ prior knowledge then track their interventions and assess them at the end of an intervention to measure impact and value added.
As a result of the provision above, children at Croft Primary School will:
• Feel safe, secure, cared for and able to learn
• Show confidence and resilience in the classroom
• Demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities
• Make progress from their starting points measured by B Squared assessments when necessary
• Develop independence and skills to support them throughout life
• Work collaboratively with their peers on a shared task
Assessment and monitoring
We monitor our SEN pupils alongside their peers using their termly IEPs (Individual Education Plans), with three individualised targets which are shared with parents. Some pupils are supported by the process of an (EHAF) Early Help Assessment Form. We monitor carefully the severity of need and enlist support through the Local Offer and outside agencies and support pupils who require an
EHC plan (Education, Health and Care). We endeavour to support parents and pupils through any new process, asking their views and
considering their child’s needs carefully. We want parents to feel confident that their views and contributions are valued and will be acted upon.
If you require any further information please contact the school office and ask to speak to our SENDCO - Mrs Jeanette Nicholson.

Please find below our SEND curriculum statement and policies:

Early Years Support for Children with SEN - Nottinghamshire County Council

Please see the attachment below for information provided by Nottinghamshire County Council, regarding support for special education needs;