History - We are Historians 
History Curriculum Intent
Croft children will leave us as Historians. They will have a global knowledge of events through time, from the Stone Age to today. The children will have a deep understanding of chronology and will be able to use increasingly complex vocabulary to explain periods of time. The children will be able to make global connections and comparisons between periods of time and different civilisations.
They will know that we benefit from many historical legacies and that these events changes lives, often for the better but not always. The children will know why ‘significant’ people of the past are still ‘significant’ people today.
Croft historians will be able to use and independently evaluate evidence and will understand why some periods of time are better known that others.
Children at Croft will appreciate the ties between past and present and will be able to see the complexities of relationships around the world. Through history, children will gain a strong knowledge of chronology which will be built upon year on year. At the end of their school journey the children will have a clear overview of many significant events and people in our community, national and globally and will know how they fit together.
History Curriculum Implementation
To ensure that our pupils experience a broad and balanced curriculum, we have chosen to teach History in the first half term and Geography in the second half term of each term throughout the year. This provides whole school focus and emphasises progression through school which is subject-specific.
Our history curriculum is carefully sequenced across year groups, threads are coherently built and opportunities to study local history are built in to long term plans. We have decided to use Oak National Academy resources to lower workload and support teachers to further increase their expertise.
Each unit sets out key learning points, misconceptions, key vocabulary, lesson resources and assessments which teachers can select from to best meet the needs of the pupils and our curriculum intent.
Our approach to curriculum and new curriculum principles | Oak National Academy
History Curriculum Impact
Assessment in History is based upon lots of conversation, to discover intention and understanding, as well as looking at outcomes of the journey and end result right from Early Years.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
Observations of pupils learning
Discussions with pupils about their learning
Pupils in Reception are assessed within Understanding the World and their progress is tracked termly.
History curriculum - autumn 1