Reception - Year Group Page
The Reception Unit at Croft is a busy, bright and exciting place to learn. We have two classes, and sometimes we learn separately and sometimes we all get together. We offer a wide range of playful learning activities, which cover all areas of the curriculum. The children can access this learning both indoors and outdoors.
Every day, we have a whole class phonics session, a maths session, topic time and shared reading. Throughout the school day there is a balance of adult led and also child-initiated activities, where the children can follow their own interests and ideas. We actively foster the Characteristics of Effective Learning in our children, encouraging them to explore, be confident, concentrate, persevere, be self-motivated, and 'have a go'.
Ultimately, we want all the children to settle quickly, feel happy and secure, be kind friends to each other and enjoy learning. We can't wait to get started!
Teaching staff in this year group are below;
Teachers - Mrs J Robinson and Mrs S Hinchley
Teaching Assistants - Mrs A Gilbert, Mrs K Clayton, and Mrs M Parker
PE Days - Reception PE day is Friday, please send your child to school in PE kit on this day each week.
Below is a copy of our latest newsletter;