Croft Primary School

Croft Primary School
Creativity Potential Success


Art and Design - We are Artists                        

Art and Design Curriculum Intent                           

At Croft Primary School we want our pupils to benefit from a high-quality art and design education which engages, inspires and challenges them as well as equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

At Croft Primary School, we have selected Access Art to support our teachers to deliver a rich and exciting art curriculum because it is designed around the idea that art is far more than a series of technical skills, the holistic curriculum nurtures creative thinking skills and helps ensure our pupils learn through art, as well as about art.


Art and Design Curriculum Implementation

To ensure that our pupils experience a broad and balanced curriculum, we have chosen to teach Art and Design in the first half term and Design and Technology in the second half term of each term throughout the year. This provides whole school focus and emphasises progression through school which is subject-specific.

So that we can alternate with Design and Technology, we follow the Access Art split curriculum which ensures that across each year pupils will experience the disciplines: drawing and sketchbooks, surface and colour and working in three dimensions. Within each discipline there is a choice of pathways, we have selected the pathways which fit well with the needs of our pupils and link to our curriculum as a whole.

Each pathway sets out key concepts, aims, significant artists, curriculum links and a range of resources and activities which teachers can select from to best meet the needs of the pupils and our curriculum intent.


Art and Design Curriculum Impact

Assessment in Art and Design is based upon lots of conversation, to discover intention and understanding, as well as looking at outcomes of the journey and end result right from Early Years.

We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

Observations of pupils learning

Discussions with pupils about their learning

At the end of every pathway there is time for reflection where pupils can talk about their artwork, listen to and contribute to feedback

Each pathway includes ‘I can …’ statements to support formative assessment throughout the unit

Pupils in Reception are assessed within Expressive Arts and Design and their progress is tracked termly. 


Art and Design Long Term Plan

Art and Design Curriculum Coverage

 Art and Design Progression

Art and Design curriculum - autumn 1


Art and Design transition task - portraits

A gallery of portraits created during transition week from across the school


Year 3 visit to Tate Mobile Museum